10 Things Most People Don't Know About Me
It’s time for me to step out from behind the camera (or computer in this case), and share a little about me! Today, I share 10 things that you may not know about me! It’s a little bit scary for some reason, but I’m glad to be putting myself out there!
3 Things I Learned from Shooting with Film
Lately I’ve been experimenting with 35mm film, and I can only start by saying I’m hooked! It has been a learning process to re-teach myself how to use the camera, and trust my instincts - and so on this blog I share 3 things I learned from using film.
The 5 Types of Headshots - Why one look doesn't work for all
A headshot is more than just an updated picture of yourself. A headshot is taken to SELL something about yourself! On the blog, Nicole describes the top five headshots and why you need one!