On Point!
Laurie Meschishnick
Laurie, Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed for my blog! Can you share a bit about yourself, your background?
I'm a SK raised girl. I grew in rural SK from a family of six on a working farm. I had what I call a Golden Childhood. Being the 2nd youngest of the six kids, my younger brother and I were always outside no matter the season. I'm not sure any other member of the family knew what we were up to. :) Athletics quickly became part of my life coming a fastball and curling focused family.
I carried this love of moving into adulthood. As a teacher I coached track & field, some basketball, volleyball. I settled into Yoga and running for my fitness.
I taught for 3 years before taking a position as Director of an Early Learning and Childcare program for the French School division. My bilingualism has been useful more than once.
I was eventually recruited by the Dept of Education to work as a consultant. From here I found my way a co-owner of a small satellite gym. This unfortunately did not survive the COVID-19 repercussions.
Currently I run my consulting business, On Point Coaching, a new age thinking, mindset program. I work with anyone looking to level up in life but have a passion for working with athletes.
I love hearing your inspiring story! Could you share it?
I love telling my story because I feel I unlocked a secret. A secret that's magic and everyone needs to know about it because it will work magic for them as it did for me.
My elusive goal was winning the CrossFit Games as a Masters athlete. The CrossFit Games are the Superbowl, the Greycup, the Stanley Cup for the CrossFit season. There is a qualifying period where the top 10 Masters athletes from around the world are narrowed down through a series of online competitions. These 10 athletes then meet in person for a 4 day competition to see who is crowned The Fittest on Earth, a trademark tagline of CrossFit HQ.
I first went to the CrossFit Games in 2011 where I stood on the podium with a silver medal for Canada. I went back in 2012 for a 6th place finish. This was really disappointing to me. I look back now and see I was competing for the wrong reasons. I was competing because I didn't want to let people down who believed in me. That is never the road to success.
In 2013 I was negligent of my Rheumatoid Arthritis, letting it get out of control and consequently missed qualifying by one spot. 2014 was a rebuilding year as I had to navigate my way with this disease. With the help of a wonderful Rheumatologist I did just that and went back to the Games in 2015 winning a bronze medal. I felt it was confirmation that I belonged on that world stage. I still, however, had not quite figured out my purpose as an athlete because in 2016 and 2017 I missed the podium. I was surrounded by people who were so proud of me and yet I was so unhappy and frustrated with my results.
Because the Universe will NEVER give up on us, will continue to present a lesson we need to learn until we learn it, I met David Conway. David saw my frustration and offered a solution. In fact he boldly told me he knew what my problem was and what I had to do to win the CrossFit Games. SOLD.
I worked with David and Crystal Derry of Muse Works, another gift from the Universe, right after the 2017 Games. I learned the secret of thoughts. I learned that thoughts become things...like magic.
I did not have to train harder physically. I needed to align my mental fitness with my physical fitness. It was simple but not easy. AND I could not have done it alone. I proved that over the last 5 years.
I went to the 2018 CrossFit Games as a new athlete. Truly a whole new set of rules about ME. I didn't achieve my goal of gold. I got silver BUT...a goal is not for getting. A goal is for growing. AND I grew. I was truly proud of my performance in 2018. AND I knew exactly what I was missing in my thinking, my performance that lost me the gold. I wasn't upset. I was ready. I set that plan into motion in my 2018 training season.
2019 was yet another year of growth with the work I put in. I had taken another step, raised my awareness of my, and raised my level of consciousness of my thinking. My gold medal was truly cool. BUT...goals are not for getting. They are for growing. So what's next was my question as I stepped off the podium.
The Universe is so willing to play with us if we sign our name to what we want.
Of course 2020 was not what anyone expected. No CrossFit Games for Masters. I love competing. I thrive in that arena. Training however serves another purpose for me. It is my vehicle to break my ceiling of potential over and over and over. If i can do it in one area of my life, I can do it in another. I am focused on gold level performances in vocation, relationships, time & money freedom and of course, always health. Without our health, everything falls into nothingness. If I can inspire ONE person to start being active because I'm an "older" athlete still at it, that is a fulfilling success for me. Maybe that's one person reading this. :)
What does a typical day in the life look like for you?
I'm up early, before 6 AM to do my mental alignment. It includes prayer, journaling, visualizing, and reading with my Mastermind, Janna Dutton. Janna won the 2020 Loretta Award for the YWCA Women Of Distinction. Finding your Mastermind is life changing. Janna has been life changing.
Most of my day is promoting and building my business, On Point Coaching.
I run several programs over Zoom with groups of clients guiding them to discover their secret. Some of the programs are for people wanting to level up in life. Performance On Point, is my signature program for athletes, where I've curated the secrets I discovered in my journey. Most of my teaching is with this program.
I protect my training time ferociously which is usually two hours. I have a dog which means walks full of love and smiles. I care for one of my sisters whose health is compromised. This has taught me about courage in an indescribable way.
And there may be a handsome, charming, fit man who has fallen from somewhere into my life that gets some time. TBD where this goes. :)
What are some of the challenges you face as a business owner?
Personally it was believing that what I have to offer brings value to the marketplace. Although there are MANY businesses in the same field as mine, I have come to believe that no one will offer what I offer because no one has had MY experience. What I offer is unique and cannot be found anywhere else. That was a huge moment for me when I realized this.
I encourage anyone with an idea to believe this. There is one thing that NO ONE in the world can do like YOU can. And believe me, the world needs that thing from YOU!!
Do you have any strategies for overcoming obstacles in life and in business?
Get a mentor. Find someone who has what you want and figure out a way to work with them. We really cannot get out of our own way. Rarely can someone step back, look at themself critically, lovingly and objectively. It is simple but not easy. We must study ourselves. We must admit our ignorance and desire to overcome it. It's so freeing when we do it.
We are beings that grow through connecting. Connecting with a mentor, someone to guide you through the studying, who has a path will be so worthwhile. We are worthwhile. :)
What advice would you give someone that wants to take charge of their health and wellbeing? Where should they start?
#1 Find out how your body enjoys moving. Find a place that offers this.
#2 Contact me to get set up on ONE change to your dietary habits. :)
#2 Be consistent with moving our body. At least 3x's per week.
#3 When you are sore and stiff, get back to moving. I PROMISE you this is the best thing.
#4 START slowly. If you've been inactive for years, START SLOWLY. Perhaps it is walking for 10 minutes 4 days per week.
My motto is Motion is Lotion. I have RA and would be much worse off if I did NOT move. It's my drug of choice for depression. :)
Do you have any “game changer” business advice?
LISTEN to the small still voice inside you. If you have an idea that won't let you alone? It keeps knocking? Acknowledge it. There's a 99% chance it's your gift, that one thing you do better than anyone, asking to be let out.
Ask yourself if that gift can solve a problem for someone. For sure it can!! That is your market. Become an expert on what that market needs and then develop, hone your gift to serve them.
Serving with our gifts, changes the world and it's kinda fun. :)
Do you have a favourite inspirational quote?
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7
What are some of your favourite books to read that inspire you?
You Squared - Price Pritchett
As a Man Thinketh - James Allen
Jesus Calling - Sarah Young
Psycho-cybernetics - Maxwell Maltz
The Moses Code - James Twyman
Your Invisible Power - Genevieve Behrend
If you could only share one message with the world what would it be?
Thoughts become things. Choose the right ones!!!
Thank you so much Laurie for sharing your brave and inspiring story. I love your advice, and can hardly wait to check those books out of the library! For more on Laurie, follow her:
Instagram - @onpointwithlaurie
Website - www.onpointcoaching.ca